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Adventure in abandonment

Adventure does not necessarily mean travelling the world. People often forget about the hidden gems in our own backyards – I am a culprit of this too.

So when a friend told me about an abandoned water park and hotel I could visit within a 30 minute drive of home, I was pretty excited. The location is Prudhommes Landing – once a popular destination teeming with visitors. Now stands a dark decaying hotel with spray paint inside and out, while the last remaining turns of a water slide stand in the background. The hotel is boarded up, but old curtains blow through broken windows signifying its abandonment.  It is incredible to see how quickly vines and grass are stealing the water park back to nature.

A fascinating and fun place to explore but be cautious of the condition of the hotel, as it is deteriorating quickly. If you are looking for more interesting locations to explore, check out a post by my friend and fellow blogger on 5 mini-adventures you didn’t know about. Remember have fun in your own backyard!

In contrast to what it once was…

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