Share Your World – 2014 Week 48

Dog (3)
Dog Portrait

Another Share Your World, hosted by Cee’s photography

What is your favorite toppings on pizza?
I generally always get chicken, sun-dried tomato and goat cheese. Yumm!

I want to learn more about …
Public relations! I start school in January, so I guess I am covered. And after that Skydving. I am in the process of setting up my training, so hopefully that will be realized too! I also want to purchase some skydiving books; it is amazing how much technical knowledge there is to know!

What are three places you’ve enjoyed visiting?
Spain. I really loved the entire country. It has such rich culture and heritage, which is something we do not get a lot of in Canada (being a younger country). We visited so many places in Spain from Madrid, to Logrono, to Toledo, to Jerez de la Frontera and Puerto de Santa Maria – I think it is safe to say I like Spain in general.

I also enjoyed visiting San Francisco, particularly some historical spots like Alcatraz. It is probably a bit cliché, but I find it fascinating to visit places that have a large historical past.

My last choice would be Quebec City in the old section.  I don’t think I have ever enjoy walking around a city, as much as I did there. The town beautiful!

Do you prefer eating the frosting of the cake or the cupcake first? I don’t eat flour, so probably the icing. I have been known to steal toppings off of flour products I can’t eat.

Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?
I am grateful for all the orders of pet portrait’s I have got this week for the Holiday season. And I also look forward to them being all completed, so my hand can uncramp!!!

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