Share Your World: 2014 Week 46

These cute lazy animals; got to love them.

This is in response to Cee’s Photography, share your world challenge!

On a vacation what you would require in any place that you sleep?
A fan. I like white noise while I sleep and the fan is perfect for that. However, I can now go camping without a battery operated fan, although every noise wakes me up!

Music or silence while working?
I like music, but I am not an avid music fan, so I only listen to music on my car radio. In general, I prefer to have silence while working or if there is music, it has to be really low.

If you were to move and your home came fully furnished with everything you ever wanted, list at least three things from your old house you wish to retain?
Number one would be all my pets! I could not live without my two cats and rabbit! I would also take my MacBook because it has my photos and different things I have written over the years, which are important to me. Otherwise I am not super attached to anything, maybe third would be my childhood teddy bear! 🙂

What’s your least favorite mode of transportation?
Probably the car purely because of traffic and the attention required. What I love about the train, bus, and plane is that you can relax, catch up on some work, or read a good book. It can actually be a time to unwind. The car requires attention and especially in the GTA, that has some of North America’s worst traffic, takes forever!

Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up? I am grateful for the opportunity I had to work as a Social Media Intern at the Royal Winter Fair. Next week I am looking forward to working with the horse teams in some Christmas parades.

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